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Scott Schedule

What is a Scott Schedule & Why are they Used?

Scott Schedules are often used in Building defect Matters. They an important instrument that may help both the parties and the decision maker focus on the Defects / Completion Works costs being claimed, providing an estimated cost / value for each item


Including Building Disputes, Estimate of required Rectification and / or Completion Works.

A Monetary Tool to Report the Estimated cost(s) of designated items of works.

Including identification of costs of Completion Works for the Builders Warranty Insurer.

What is a Scott Schedule?

A Scott Schedule is a document that sets out the party’s evidence with  comprehensive cost estimates for Labour and Materials for each item claimed in regard to the building defects, incomplete works or variations to the Building Contract and often involves technical or other complex matters.

It is usually but not always prepared by a building or construction costs specialist and references the expert evidence.


In Building Defects Claims at VCAT or the court(s), preparation of a Scott Schedule is generally required as part of the Evidence preparation.


What are the benefits of the Scott Schedule?


There are four Potential Benefits

# 1

It can increase the possibility of the Parties reaching a Settlement on at least some portion of the issues in the dispute.


# 2

In preparation of the Schedule each party can identify and clarify areas on which they agree, or have no basis to disagree with the other party.


# 3

It allows the Parties to identify any items on which the difference in their positions is less than the cost to litigate them, and


# 3a

 It assists in avoiding confusion at the hearing as the items being claimed and the alleged costs of rectifying / completing those items as set out by each party.


# 4

It facilitates the party’s and the decision maker with one convenient

document that sets out the completion claims.


Cost of the Schedule

Pricing for this service is by Quotation, an estimate will be prepared by Consult Tec for the Client after revision of the details and all associated documentation and evidence of the case.


Structure of the Scott Schedule

A Typical Scott Schedule consists of a number of columns that provide information on the following:


-   The item number or clear identification of the disputed issue

-   The standard required for the works or defect (with reference to relevant standard or code.

-   The actual existing standard achieved that is in dispute.

-   Comprehensive Estimate of the cost of the required rectification – completion works

-   The responsible party for the cost of the required rectification – completion works

-   The Schedule may also include additional columns to provide further

      detail on the on the items of required work of defect rectification(s), such as the location, the extent            of required works and any supporting evidence, documentation, relevant standard(s), photographs          and drawings.

       An illustrative - sample Scott Schedule is available upon request.

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